Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One month

Today is one month I have been married. This is not that long of a time but a milestone none the less :) its cheesy to write about it but we celebrated it. We enjoyed dinner with Cody's twin brother and then went to see "breaking dawn". This is the second time I have seen the 4th twilight movie but it is really good! I went with my Mom and sister over the weekend and cody wanted to see it. So off I drag my two boys to see it and they were squealing like a bunch of girls by end of the movie. :)

When we got home, Cody and Cory got to work on the Xbox playing modern warfare (gag me now!). I decided it was time to really bust out thank you notes from wedding gifts. So I got busy and wrote about 35 and have 50 left :) praying I am not forgetting anyone. My biggest fear. Yet again I know. Cheesy.

1 comment:

  1. It cannot be one month already! Time has really flown!
