Thursday, March 1, 2012


I promise I am going to try hard to get back to my daily post. I have been slacking. Grad school is crazy busy and add moving to the mix and I have been a tad overwhelmed since we got back from our honeymoon. Yes I know that is from December :)

My students are doing great. I am so blessed to have such a great class as a first year teacher. Yesterday our assistant principal gave my class a compliment. She said that we had the best class in school. She had to pick my kids up from specials since I was finishing at data team. They were so excited that Mrs. A told them that and that they had earned three compliments in the hallway!

Our house is amazing! We love it. I LOVE the fact that this Saturday will be two weeks since I filled my gas tank. This makes the new house even more amazing :) Before I was filling it in less than a week since I got my new SUV in December. Cody and I are really enjoying decorating and getting all of our stuff into a certain place. Helping hand is liking me alot-I have made 4 car loads full of donations to them. I realized I need to clean better and declutter in our move. I am trying-HARD!

Grad school is grad school. I have learned a lot in these few semesters but boy am I ready to graduate in May :) I am connecting to it so much more now that I am teaching what they are teaching me. It helps when I can identify it to a student or a classroom situation instead of just learning it. I guess I have always been that way. When I put a name to something, it helps me so much more...

I guess this is enough of my venting..I will share some pictures soon of our kitchen table. We got the call today that it will be delivered on Saturday :) I am almost fully unpacked and I am fully decorated so full house pictures will come soon!

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