Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inside out/Backwards Day

We are at the CDC all day this week. The church buses are gone this week because the kids in grades 3-5 are at camp. Today we had inside out and backwards day at the center. Here are a few of the pictures..

The boys showing their backwards pants :)

The girls in their inside out/backwards clothes

Cara (on far left) wore her underwear on top and the rest all had inside out :)

Cacy had me braid her hair-upside down :)

When I got home, I made dinner. Let's just say I had good intentions but not a good end result. Oh well. There is always tomorrow!


  1. Looks like a fun day! Hopefully we'll be able to do our meetup soon :)

  2. Love to see those boys without pants

  3. Looking to be fucked

  4. Those boys want cock inside them
