Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I'm loving..the lunch I enjoyed with one of my friends today :) Meredith and I met at Salsaritas after I left my doctor's was yummy!!!

I'm loving..the stuff I learned tonight at my thirty-one meeting. I also got this great gift (the large utility tote which is one of my FAVORITE bags that is on special next month for $9) and I WON the on time drawing :)

I'm loving..the people I have met at NMBP and the kids I worked with while I was there.
One of the students I worked with :)

Some friends I made :)

I'm loving..the kids that I work with at First Baptist!

Love this picture of Mr. Slapnik!

I'm loving..that I got to watch graduation for the preschool students last night! They all looked so CUTE!!

I'm loving..that I am going to Charleston tomorrow with Cody's mom for a doctor's appointment that she has. I love Charleston and I am looking forward to spending the day there :)

I'm loving..that I subbed the past two days. I learned a lot!!

I'm fiance..OF course!

1 comment:

  1. You are loving some great things today! Hope that your Wednesday was fabulous!
