Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lazy day :)

I think lazy days are way under rated but I must say today was perfect! I slept in this morning, caught up on DVR, enjoyed lunch with my fiance (Zaxbys, of course), played games on my iPad, and then got a bit restless. I decided I needed to get busy on my apartment so I swept and mopped while Cody vacuumed. Then I decided to clean out my cabinets. This is always a chore I hate but it needed to be done!

I had a reminder that guys don't always think like girls. I forget this a lot of times and especially with all the wedding stuff. I have enjoyed planning and organizing the wedding. I feel like I have asked Cody, my mom, his mom, Mylissa, family and friends for advice/help/suggestions throughout this experience (sometimes I need to ask better or more) but I forget that sometimes men don't see the end picture. In April when we went to the Staples wedding (Read about it here), Cody had an eye opening experience to see what all it becomes but then yesterday it was a whole a new point. We are getting married in the church where the Holmes did so that really threw both of us through a loop. I began thinking "Who really wants to walk down the aisle? Can't I come in the side door?" Haha! While I know this isn't possible, this was what I took from yesterday. I also got ideas for decorating and such since its the same venue. Cody just thought Wow! He verbalized it on facebook and I felt the convo was interesting!

This is a comment he wrote back to Amanda Stevens (one of my bridesmaids/college room mate)
After asking him about it, I realized he did not realize all THAT went into the wedding. I guess he thought I was making it up :) I also realized he is excited but nervous. Now that we are getting stuff in and making final decisions, its coming fast. My main thing is four months left with a lot to do but a lot of fun for the rest of our life!!

Just thought I would share...guess we need to go sample some more wedding cake so he can become excited (or be in a sugar coma). I needed this reminder to remember where our energy needs to be focused. October 22 is just a day (that has taken a lot of planning-haha) but its the start of the rest of our lives together. Its about our end result of a happy and healthy marriage!


  1. I love the new blog makeover! ;) You are going to have to show me how to fix mine up now. I've been trying to add my new header I created to the top, but I can't get it JUST right. Anyway... love yours.

    BTW, I'll stop by sometime after KK this week and pick up those books if you don't mind. I'd love to borrow them.

  2. Thank you! I played around with it for about 2 hours yesterday to get it straight and about scratched it all. I think I figured it out now on how to make it work..we shall see though :) I learned a trick to the header that I will share with you. We need a blog "date" haha. You always have such cute tricks that I need to learn about as a switch!

    I will bring them and leave in my car :)
